Sample Combinational Design Report File

Project Information                     c:\classes\ee290\pldprobs\codeconv.rpt

MAX+plus II Compiler Report File
Version 6.2 06/12/96
Compiled: 04/03/97 22:13:07

Copyright (c) 1996 by Altera Corporation.  All rights reserved.  This text
contains proprietary, confidential information of Altera Corporation, and
may be used, copied, and/or disclosed only pursuant to the terms of a
valid software license agreement with Altera Corporation.  This copyright
notice must be retained as part of this text at all times.

***** Project compilation was successful

4-bit Code Converter Example


Chip/                     Input   Output   Bidir         Shareable
POF       Device          Pins    Pins     Pins     LCs  Expanders  % Utilized

codeconv  EP610ILC-10      4        4        0      4       0           25 %

User Pins:                 4        4        0  

Device-Specific Information:            c:\classes\ee290\pldprobs\codeconv.rpt

***** Logic for device 'codeconv' compiled without errors.

Device: EP610ILC-10
Turbo: ON
Security: OFF
              R                 R  
              E                 E  
              S                 S  
              E                 E  
              R                 R  
              V     G  V  V     V  
              E  g  N  C  C  g  E  
              D  3  D  C  C  0  D  
          /   4  3  2  1 28 27 26   | 
         |                          |
RESERVED |  5                    25 | RESERVED 
         |                          |
RESERVED |  6                    24 | RESERVED 
         |                          |
RESERVED |  7                    23 | RESERVED 
         |                          |
      b3 |  8    EP610ILC-10     22 | RESERVED 
         |                          |
      b2 |  9                    21 | RESERVED 
         |                          |
      b1 | 10                    20 | RESERVED 
         |                          |
    N.C. | 11                    19 | N.C. 
         |_  12 13 14 15 16 17 18  _| 
              b  g  G  G  G  g  R  
              0  2  N  N  N  1  E  
                    D  D  D     S  

N.C. = Not Connected.
VCC = Dedicated power pin, which MUST be connected to VCC.
GND = Dedicated ground pin or unused dedicated input, which MUST be connected to GND.
RESERVED = Unused I/O pin, which MUST be left unconnected.

Device-Specific Information:            c:\classes\ee290\pldprobs\codeconv.rpt


Logic Array Block     Logic Cells   I/O Pins       

A:      LC1 - LC8     0/ 8(  0%)   0/ 8(  0%) 
B:     LC9 - LC16     4/ 8( 50%)   4/ 8( 50%) 

Total dedicated input pins used:                 4/4    (100%)
Total I/O pins used:                             4/16   ( 25%)
Total logic cells used:                          4/16   ( 25%)

Total input pins required:                       4
Total output pins required:                      4
Total bidirectional pins required:               0
Total logic cells required:                      4
Total flipflops required:                        0

Synthesized logic cells:                         0/  16 (  0%)

Device-Specific Information:            c:\classes\ee290\pldprobs\codeconv.rpt

** INPUTS **

                                       Fan-In    Fan-Out
 Pin     LC  LAB  Primitive    Code   INP  FBK  OUT  FBK  Name
  27      -   -       INPUT             0    0    4    0  g0
  17      -   -       INPUT             0    0    3    0  g1
  13      -   -       INPUT             0    0    3    0  g2
   3      -   -       INPUT             0    0    3    0  g3


s = Synthesized pin or logic cell
+ = Synchronous flipflop
! = NOT gate push-back
r = Fitter-inserted logic cell

Device-Specific Information:            c:\classes\ee290\pldprobs\codeconv.rpt


                                       Fan-In    Fan-Out
 Pin     LC  LAB  Primitive    Code   INP  FBK  OUT  FBK  Name
  12     16    B     OUTPUT             4    0    0    0  b0
  10     15    B     OUTPUT             2    0    0    0  b1
   9     14    B     OUTPUT             4    0    0    0  b2
   8     13    B     OUTPUT             3    0    0    0  b3


s = Synthesized pin or logic cell
+ = Synchronous flipflop
! = NOT gate push-back
r = Fitter-inserted logic cell

Device-Specific Information:            c:\classes\ee290\pldprobs\codeconv.rpt


                 Logic cells placed in LAB 'B'
        +------- LC16 b0
        | +----- LC15 b1
        | | +--- LC14 b2
        | | | +- LC13 b3
        | | | | 
        | | | |   Other LABs fed by signals
        | | | |   that feed LAB 'B'
LC      | | | | 
LC16 -> - - - - | <-- b0
LC15 -> - - - - | <-- b1
LC14 -> - - - - | <-- b2
LC13 -> - - - - | <-- b3

27   -> @ @ @ @ | <-- g0
17   -> @ - @ @ | <-- g1
13   -> @ @ @ - | <-- g2
3    -> @ - @ @ | <-- g3

* = The logic cell or pin is an input to the logic cell (or LAB) through the PIA.
@ = The input pin or logic cell feeds the logic cell (or LAB) using direct interconnect.
- = The logic cell or pin is not an input to the logic cell (or LAB).

Device-Specific Information:            c:\classes\ee290\pldprobs\codeconv.rpt


g0       : INPUT;
g1       : INPUT;
g2       : INPUT;
g3       : INPUT;

-- Node name is 'b0' 
-- Equation name is 'b0', location is LC016, type is output.
 b0      = LCELL( _EQ001);
  _EQ001 =  g0 &  g1 &  g2 &  g3
         # !g0 &  g1 &  g2 & !g3
         #  g0 & !g1 &  g2 & !g3
         # !g0 & !g1 &  g2 &  g3
         # !g0 &  g1 & !g2 &  g3;

-- Node name is 'b1' 
-- Equation name is 'b1', location is LC015, type is output.
 b1      = LCELL( _EQ002);
  _EQ002 =  g0 &  g2;

-- Node name is 'b2' 
-- Equation name is 'b2', location is LC014, type is output.
 b2      = LCELL( _EQ003);
  _EQ003 =  g0 &  g2 &  g3
         # !g0 & !g1 &  g2;

-- Node name is 'b3' 
-- Equation name is 'b3', location is LC013, type is output.
 b3      = LCELL( _EQ004);
  _EQ004 = !g0 &  g1 &  g3;

Project Information                     c:\classes\ee290\pldprobs\codeconv.rpt


Processing Menu Commands

Design Doctor                             = off

Logic Synthesis:

   Synthesis Type Used                    = Standard

   Default Synthesis Style                = NORMAL

      Logic option settings in 'NORMAL' style for 'CLASSIC' family

      MINIMIZATION                        = full
      SOFT_BUFFER_INSERTION               = on
      TURBO_BIT                           = on
      IGNORE_SOFT_BUFFERS                 = on
      USE_LPM_FOR_AHDL_OPERATORS          = off

   Other logic synthesis settings:

      Automatic Global Clock              = on
      Automatic Global Clear              = on
      Automatic Global Preset             = on
      Automatic Global Output Enable      = on
      Automatic I/O Cell Registers        = off
      Automatic Register Packing          = off
      Automatic Open-Drain Pins           = on
      Automatic Implement in EAB          = off
      One-Hot State Machine Encoding      = off
      Optimize                            = 5

Default Timing Specifications: None

Cut All Bidir Feedback Timing Paths       = on
Cut All Clear & Preset Timing Paths       = on

Ignore Timing Assignments                 = off

Functional SNF Extractor                  = off

Linked SNF Extractor                      = off
Timing SNF Extractor                      = on
Optimize Timing SNF                       = off
Generate AHDL TDO File                    = off
Fitter Settings                           = NORMAL
Smart Recompile                           = off
Total Recompile                           = off

Interface Menu Commands

EDIF Netlist Writer                       = off
Verilog Netlist Writer                    = off
VHDL Netlist Writer                       = off

Compilation Times

   Compiler Netlist Extractor             00:00:00
   Database Builder                       00:00:01
   Logic Synthesizer                      00:00:01
   Partitioner                            00:00:01
   Fitter                                 00:00:01
   Timing SNF Extractor                   00:00:01
   Assembler                              00:00:00
   --------------------------             --------
   Total Time                             00:00:05

Memory Allocated

Peak memory allocated during compilation  = 2,127K

Send comments and suggestions about this example to: Dr. Charles S. Tritt
This page last updated 4/3/97